Rating For Genji Koi Emaki (2024)

1. Genji Koi Emaki | vndb

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  • The graceful capital city, ancient Kyoto. A beautiful noble daughter was born between the emperor and his consort, Kiritsubo, who had gained his favour. That beautiful daughter is known as "Hikaru no Miya (The Princess of Light)" due to her unparalleled beauty that is likened to her casting light. The only men that are allowed to approach the beautiful princess are men chosen by the imeprial court, who are collectively known as the "Gekkou Go Kunshi (The Five Noble Men of Moonlight)." Every night, a secret rendezvous with the five men takes place, in which they read traditional Japanese poems to one another. The protagonist, Chikage, is Hikaru's servant lady. Though she looks just like Hikaru, Chikage has no interest in things relating to herself. She has lived each and everyday relying on the joy that serving her master had provided her. ...It happened so suddenly. A letter written in kana was left behind. Her master, Hikaru, had disappeared?! If the emperor finds out about this, the female servants will get dismissed! Hikaru's reputation will take a hit, and it would threaten her happiness. In order to protect her colleagues and her master, Chikage decides to disguise herself as Hikaru and take her place... Where is the princess? What lies ahead of this dream-like rendezvous? This is a romance ADV based on the immortal work by Murasaki Shikibu, "Genji Monogatari". [Translation of the official website's story summary.]

2. Genji Koi Emaki Reviews - Metacritic

  • Sep 17, 2015 · There are no critic reviews for this game yet. User Reviews. User Reviews. View All. There are no user reviews yet.

  • Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only Metacritic.com uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.

3. Genji Koi Emaki - Regular Edition - The Visual Novel Database

  • Medium, 1 Cartridge ; Voiced, Fully voiced ; Released, 2015-09-17 ; Age rating, 17+ ; Developer, QuinRose.

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4. Reviews of Genji Koi Emaki - Backloggd

5. Genji Koi Emaki for PlayStation Vita - Playasia

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  • Genji Koi Emaki for PlayStation Vita

6. Genji Koi Emaki (PlayStation Vita) - rating and reviews - GameRankr

  • Genji Koi Emaki. PlayStation Vita September 17th 2015. 0 rankings. Genji Koi Emaki was released in 2015 for the PSVita. Genre: Visual Novel. Developer ...

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7. QuinRose Genji Koi Emaki PSVita - Japanzon

8. Genji Koi Emaki [Limited Edition] for PlayStation Vita - Playasia

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  • Genji Koi Emaki [Limited Edition] for PlayStation Vita

9. Genji Koi Emaki (PS Vita) - PlayStation Mania

  • Genji Koi Emaki ; US N/A ; EU N/A ; JP September 17, 2015 ; Rate it · 0/10 ; Developer: QuinRose

  • Genji Koi Emaki is a Adventure-game for the Vita developed by QuinRose and published by QuinRose

10. Genji Koi Emaki | QuinRose Wiki - Fandom

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  • Genji Koi Emaki (源氏恋絵巻) was released in 2015 for the PSVita. Protagonist Chikage Love Interests Akashi no Kimi Aoi no Kimi Murasaki no Kimi Oborotsukiyo no Kimi Rokujou no Kimi Tokiwa Yuugao no Kimi Side Characters Fujitsubo Hikaru no Miya Yui

11. Quinrose Genji Koi Emaki Psvita Used - Japan Figure

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  • Buy Quinrose Genji Koi Emaki Psvita Used At Japan Figure All Well-Known Japanese Brands You Want

12. Genji Koi Emaki [Limited Edition] - Solaris Japan

  • Genji Koi Emaki [Limited Edition]. No reviews. Be the first to write a review Get 30 points for your published review. Sign In to Review. 源氏恋絵巻 豪華版 (100 ...

  • Solaris Japan is a leading Anime Store, our huge selection of Japanese Anime Characters, Figma and Nendoroid, ships worldwide, right to your doorstep.

Rating For Genji Koi Emaki (2024)


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Views: 6308

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.