The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

9 SAYRE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1934 IN THE INTEREST OF SCIENCE YOU CANT KEEP ON BUILDING SKYSCRAPERS AFTER EVERYBODY HAS AM OFFICE By ROBERT QU ILLEN si J1 mm PAGE FOUR THE EVENING TIMES Founded In 1MI and consolidated with tha Valley Record in 1907. The Evening Times Is published every evening sxcept Sundav by Ihe Sayre Printing Company. corporation at Sayre, Pa Frank a Cook Annie Stephen Dlara S. Johnston Dorothy a Arnold Secretary Frank a Cook Ed it or R. Hascall The Waverly office of The Timet li In Harper'i newsroom.

Tel 25 Pramwell Terrlll correspondent The A'hene office In the Athene town hall Tel 30. Marti-. Keavln correspondent. R. Smiley.

S18 Main street. Phone 650. Classified advertising received at all offlcea National Advertistna Representatives i Devlne-Tenrey Corporation. Chiyeler Building. New Tor.

1447 Oliver Pittsbureh, 307 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. 111.: 617 Center Ruildlng. Datioit, 20 Palmer Atlanta. Ga. The Evening Timet ft delivered by carriers In Eayre Waverlv, Athene and South Waverly for 11 centt per week, payable to the earrlor boys yry week.

Bv mail tlx dolart per year, payable In advance. Sing-la copia three centa Telephone Entered at the postofflee at Sayre. Pa-, aa class mail matter. The Kvenlng Times is the only paper In North, eastern Pennsylvania having a leased wire telegrepl service memher of the Pnltert Presa WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3, 1034.

The world is beginni aijt to understand tbat its asre-old economic scheme cannot survive without continuous expansion. There is no in having profits if there is nothing to do with them. The scheme of capitalism is very simple. You work until you liave saved a small surplus. Then you invest this surplus in tools and raw material axad hire a few men to work for vou.

Each man who worths for vou makes his own wages plus a profit for you. Otherwise vou wouldn't and couldn't hire him. If you hire a few ni en, your profit is small. If you hire a thousand, it may be large. What will you tlo with it? If it is more than -ou and a spoiled family can spend, you usse it to build more factory to employ more "men to make more goods to get more profit.

Money represents th supply of chips in a twine. It cannot Le withdrawn from use or the game would sitop. Therefore the world's capitalists have expanded continuously since the besiuiiiiiK of industrialism. What enabled them to doit? Better methods of agriculture, manufacture, sanitation and lisease control enabled the world's popmlation to increase continually. -More people consumed more goods.

As production multiplied, men built ships to search for new markets. New lands were discovered and railroads built to open up virgin territory. Sn rplus capital found investment in mines, forests and oil fields. It bought concessions -to exploit the resources of undeveloped countries. In the nature of tilings there Lad to be a stopping place a saturation point.

There are no more lands to discover; no frontiers to open. Populations are beginning to wane. The world can produce more than its needs. All who can buy have been supplied. Competitors fight one another for established markets.

Nations arm to defend their foreign trade. In short, eapitalisnx has reached the point where it has an enormous surplus of capital and no place to use it, Today it is lending its surplus to the government, which borrows to feed the jobless. Figure it any way 3-011 will, the game is over when accumulated profits lie in banks and find no wor-1 to do. Capitalists can't go on building more unnecessary factories to cut one another's throats. It isn't a question of whether we desire a new game.

The old game stops itself when the banker has a 11 the chips. Copyright 1331, Publishers Syndicate GERMAN TRADE Germany, it is said, would like to maka a reciprocity treaty with the t'nited States. Germans vaiits cotton, copper, gasoline and lubricants, but lias neither gold nor foreign exchange to pay for them. But she has machinery, clranicals, djes, precision instruments and other manufacturers which iv might be able to use. Our state department, the report continues, has been approached unofficially, and has shown no enthusiasm for any such deal.

One alleged reason Is that there is little need to find a customer for our cotton; another is that if we want what Germany has to offer, we have the gold and the foreign exchange with which to buy it. Trading relations with Germany have become very peculiar since it was announced that Germany will make no further payments on any of her contracted debts, until she gets ready. Th: British took Immediate steps to enforce payments; thereupon Germany made a special arrangement with her, hich Dr. Schacht, economic dictator, is quoted as saying is not worth the paper on which it is We do not believe Dr. Schacht wa3 correctly understood; his meaning was, rather, that according to economic law you can't get blood from a stone, or money from a debtor who can't raise It.

The logical effort of Germany, now that the free working of foreign exchange has been suspended, is to secure the trading of goods against goods. The difficulty, from the American standpoint, is tiiitt we have no economic dictatorship such as Germany's and therefore no government set-up for such an exchange of goods. If Germany wants to set up a trad- ing organization here, similar to Russia's Amtorg, that might be one way of handling the situation. A reciprocity treaty does not seem quite the means that is best suited to the problem. FINDS TEDDY BEAR A WITH KIDDIES LAURA WHEELER FAVORITE TEDDY BEAR Opposes Copeland Hi VjnS-i -as Harold Cluett Named by the New York G.

0. as Senatorial candidate, E. Harold 1 ctuett of iroy will oppose U. S. Senator Royal S.

Copeland in the November elections. He retired from collar and shirt company which he headed and has been a banker since 1927. Grits and Gravy by HARRIET FITTS RYAN Copyright IU33. Get out the old fur coat and fill up the coal bin for it's going to be another tough winter say the weather forecasters. I shiver and shudder to think of it.

Some of the predicters expect hard winters for the next five years and one pessimist asserts that for ten years we are in for cold winters and dry summers. Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars, curator of the New York Zoological Park says, "For many years I have made a study of weather conditions and am of the opinion that the 'average' for each year has very little variation. Grossly speaking, this would indicate that a hot summer would "be followed by a cold winter to produce the normal average for the year.

I believe that we are due for another severe win-' ter, such as we had the past year. Henry J. Baldwin, forecaster for the State Forestry Department, Hillsboro, New Hampshire. "We had several mild years in a row, therefore we should expect several severe ones. Last summer's drought was followed by heavy snowfall and cold.

Va have had abnormally high temperatures and drought again this year." Harry H. Koppenhaver, Philadelphia meteorologist, "I feel the coming season will be as severe as the last one, with plenty of snow and Ice. I believe winters will be severe for at least five years." There! There are plenty more whom I could quote but that's enough to give you all an idea of what we are in for, if the forecasters know what they are talking about. I hope that they don't. And speaking of snow and ice and such things I do hope that if Admiral Byrd ever gets home alive he will stay there.

Why any human being should want to go off to the South Pole is beyond my comprehension anyhow and then mon disloyalty to God. Christendom rejected the Christianity of Christ and is now paying the penalty. The we worship are an abomination to the Lord. Money, force, pleasure, illicit gain are not these the false gods sincerely sought and entreated? I am constantly questioned concerning our temporal interests. Yet what profit is there in these unless our souls are in harmony with the Eternal Will? Is brotherhood a mirage or fellowship beyond our' reach? It is beyond the power of this generation to return to its lost faith in God, in Christ and in His Ideals? What a surprise it would be if the representatives of The League of Nations, called for a day of international repentance, confession, restitution and amendment! Yet only as sinful nations, no less than sinful individuals, humble themselves before the Lord and acknowledge their transgressions can they be delivered from approaching death.

The villain, my friend, is just ourselves. We have been stiff-necked and recalcitrant, unwilling to deplore the past or to be disciplined for a better future. That is the opening in our boasted armor through which the fatal arrow has entered. Of course if we are the dupes of necessity we must accept the death of our best concepts as we do the death ot our bodies. But there is no deception in this case.

Europe' and America know, see, understand and fear their darkening horizons. The phantom- of the pit multiply. Meanwhile the t'nited States is cutting down on education and increasing its war preparation. "May Lord have mercy on the world," should be theVayer millions who seem to be entangled in a net of their own weaving. tV This 'N' That In The News Well, the National Doughnut committee launched National Doughnut Month yesterday and for the balance of October you are expected to "eat more doughnuts." In printing this we're really giving doughnut makers a break as otherwise folks wouldn't know this is the month.

A million dozen doughnuts are devoured each day In the year the association claims and they want to double tha number. The association has no objection to doughnut dunking. In fact the interest of the association ceases you buy the doughnuts. Feed 'em to Fido if you like, but buy 'era. In the city papers some of the doughnut makers are advertising "greaseless doughnuts," but we don't believe it.

One baker claims he puts only a very small hole in his doughnuts, whereas his competitors put in such large holes that there is really no doughnut. With the World's Serious, as Ring Lardner used to call it, opening today baseball will be the principal topic of conversation all over the country. There's a great difference of opinion as to whether Mrs. Dean's two boys, Dizzy and Daffy can beat Schoolboy Rowe and many beU are being made. If we had any money and if we dared to place a bet if we had it, we'd bet you that Mrs.

Dean's children would win at least two games in the Serious. We had three dollars this morning but the boy had to have a new pair of shoes so we can't bet on the Serious. The boy has to have a new pair of shoes at least once a week, seems so, anyhow. Somebody ought to Invent iron shoes for boys. President Hitler, it seems, went for a plane ride with a leading Jew ish movie actress and you'll hear plenty about THAT.

Hitler, It is claimed in European papers, is not consistent. He runs the Jews out of Germany and then goes sky riding with the Jewish actress. Only explanation appears to be that Hitler ousted the male Jews to remove competition for the smiles of the lady who, judging from her picture, ought to have plenty of ad- why anyone should want to shut himself up in a hut all alone for months at a time anywhere, much less in such a place as that is still more a mystery to me. I like Admiral Byrd, I once had the pleasure of meeting him personally under most pleasant circ*mstances. 1 was completely charmed with him.

It is easy to understand why his men adore him. In addition to being a great scientist, a great explorer, a man of daring, he hag "it" to a superlative degree, and "it" works on men as well as women. I was worried sick for fear the tractor party would never get to him in time, never find him alive. I kept saying to myself, "He's In bad shape. He's a lot worse off than he is letting them know." It made a big lump come in my throat when I read of his struggle to keep alive and how at last he gave up hope of being found alive and penned his notes to be found by the rescue party.

Try and put yourself In his place. Think of his state of mind as he finally resigned himself and wrote those letters. It makes cold shivers run up my back and this is a hot day, a long ways from the South Pole. Let us hope that this time he has enough and that if he ever recovers his strength and gets home he will stay there. Started Line of Descendants WHITEFIELD, N.

H. (UP) When Mrs. Eliza Myott married at 14 and had twins at 15 she started something. Mrs. Myott, now "8, lg the mother of nine children, five of whom are still living, a grandmother of 31, great-grandmother of 51 and great-great-grandmother of five children.

Today On the Radio eSOk-WEAF 454m 4:00 Pop Concert. 4:30 Trio. 4:45 Sketch. 5:00 Orchestra. 5:15 Sketch.

5:30 Alice In Orcliestralic. 5:45 Stamp Club. 6:00 Orchestra. 6:15 Skenh. 6:35 Songs 6:45 Billy Batchelor Sketch Songs.

7:15 Sketch 7:30 our Overwhelming Tax Problotn. 7:45 I tank Buck' Adventuiet. (1:00 The Church Mouse. Fiance Orchestra. 9:00 Comedian.

10:00 Orchestra. The Munitions Investigation 11 :00 To Be Announced 11:15 1 1 :30 Charity Opening. 12:00 Orchestra 760k WJZ 395m 4:00 Betty and Bob Sketch, WHITE MULE Not the least of ills ascribable to the prohibition era is all bound up in the news from Washington that the federal alcohol control administration finally has yielded to the blandishments of various Virginia financiers and has authorized the building of a distillery for the production of nothing other than old-fashioned "white mule." This beverage is the raw, colorless but highly flavorous product of th-a corn likker still. It seems from the plea of the financiers, nonetheless, that Virginians, weaned on the product during the years of prohibition, simply can not get along without it. "Mule" has been made and consumed for centuries in the mountain fastnesses of the Blue Ridge, where civilization still has not penetrated to any important extent.

During prohibition, however, when more civilized drink became scare and costly throughout the land, these hidden valleys waxed more or less prosperous as a source of supply ot the stuff, which cams to find a market among the strong-stomached all along the seaboard. We have sniffed cautiov sly at "mule" in our various excursions below the Potomac, both before and since repeal, and can testify it is potently alcoholic, but potable only with great difficulty, Holding the nose was the metlxod most approved by ladles and the uninitiated lor getting a dose of It under the belt. That an actual demand should have arisen for admitting "mule" within the pale of the law is, to our mind, the sad dest of commentaries on the state of affairs in the Old Dominion, once the home of chivalry and fine 1 i "ving, There is something droll and taking about a teddv-bear. It is probably this that makes a child clutch it and refuse to part with it. This plump little bear Is just the size a child likes.

The needlewoman will find it simple to make. She can use a cotton print, a sateen, velveteen, a wooly or furry material. and find him very fetching in any one of them. He measures about 12 inches' when finished. Pattern 842 comes to you with a pattern for the teddy-bear; directions for making it and material requirements.

(coin preferred) for this pattern to Eayre Evening Times, Needlecraft 82 Eighth Avenue. New York. Everyday ANSWERED BY DR. Make This Model at Home THE EVENING TIMES DAILY PATTERN 4 .1 5 Songs. 4:30 To Be Announced.

4:45 Orchestra. 5:00 Pearce's Ganff. 5:15 Songs 5:30 Songs 5:45 Little Orphan 6:00 Education In the New. lntiiview. 6:30 Songs 6:45 News.

7:00 Sketch. 7:15 Orchestra 7:30 Sketch. 7:45 Sketch. :00 Sketch. :30 Songs.

:00 20,000 Years In Sinr The Man Who Paid to Get In :30 Songs. :00 Songs. Beauty. :30 Orchestra. :00 Comedy Sketch.

:15 To Be Announced. Orchestra. Orchestra. 860k ABC 349 :00 Orchestra. 30 Astronomy in Navigation.

45 Studio Music. 00 Sketch. :1 5 Sketch. 30 Jack Armstrong Sketch :45 Novelty Trio 00 Sketch. 15 Hobby Benson Sketch.

:30 Sketch. :00 Songs :15 Sketch :30 Songs :4 5 Talk. 00 Sketch. :50 Songs. U0 Songs.

:30 Comedians. :00 Broadcast to and Front Byrd Expedition. 30 Orchestra. :00 Songs :15 Orchestra :30 Orchestra :45 Orchestra Thursday A.M. to 4 P.M.

660k WE AF 454m 6:45 a.m. Ejerclses. Piano 8:110 Itichard Llebert, Organ. 8:30 Clreerio Musicale. 9:00 Piano.

9:15 Hall Trio 9:30 Harpsichord 9:15 Music of the Old South. 10:00 Songs. 10:15 Sketch. 10:30 Variety Musicale. 1 1 :1 5 Frances Lee Barton.

Orchestra 12:00 Songs. 12:15 Honeyboy and Sassafras. Orchestra. 1:00 Market Reports 1 :15 Kn.semble. 1 Orchestra.

2:00 Stones of History Sketch. 2:30 Trio. Songs. .1:00 Sketch. 3:15 Songs.

3:30 Woman's Review 760k WJZ 395m 7:30 a.m. Xylophone. 7:45 Jolly Bill and Jane. 8:00 Organ 8:15 LanUt Trio 8:30 Lew White, Organ. 9:00 Orchestra.

10:00 Songs. 10:15 Songs. 10:30 Today's Children Sketcn 10:50 Radio Kitchen 1 1:00 Songs. 1 1 :15 Poetry 11:30 r. s.

Navy Band 12:00 Songs. I 2:15 Songs. 12:30 Kami and Home Hour. 1:30 Vic and Saile Sketch. 1 15 Symphony Orchestra.

2:30 Home, Sweet Home Sketch. 2:45 Songs. Orchestra. 3 :30 orchestra. 860k WABC 349m 7:3 A M.

Organ. 8:00 Salon Musicals. 8:30 Salon Musicale 8:45 Piano 9:00 Songs. 9:15 Variety Musicale 10:00 10:15 Piano. 10-30 Songs 10:15 Kusinpps of the County Society.

I I rchrMra 1 1 :30 r.nscmhle 12:00 Voice of Experience. Songs. 12:30 Ed McConnell. 12:45 Orchestra. 1 Orchestra To Be Announced.

1 :5 Orchestra. 2:00 Organ chpstra Metropolitan Orchestra. 8:30 String Ense.nble Questions from Evening Times readers are answered dally by the Rev. Dr. S.

Parkes Cadman, Radio Minister of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ In America. Dr Cadman seeks to answer Inquiries that appear to be representative of the trends of thought to the many lettera which be receives. LET'S BE PRETTY AS WELL AS PRACTICAL PATTERN 2042 PATTERN 842 This dress will be welcomed by the woman who is more than tired of th-3 general run of housedresse? and is simply hankering after something just a little different. It is pretty because the paneled front has an extremely slenderizing effect. In the bodice this forms a yoke, very flattering with the crisp ruffles at its edge.

The frock- is Practical because of the simplicity of its line, the short or lone sleeves, and the absence of the of frills that are always catching on something -when you ore most in a hurry. Made up in almost any cotton material. It will help you to look pretty while more useful. Pattern 2012 is available only in sizts 36, 38, 40, 42, 41, 46, and 4S. Size 36 takes 3 3-8 yards 36 in' fabric and 3-8 yard contrast Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions included.

Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly name, address and style number. BE SURK TO STATE SIZE. Ana while you are wrltlne. why not Include an order for a fa.iclnnt dook.

ciammed from cover cover with stunning tlluatraf.3 and cantWnHnn a 10 1 ucaci i i iuiij" u' ranrus and other that make a woman chic thine' Th' Summer Issue of the Anne Pattern Book. Price fifteen cents, hook and pattern together, twenty-five cents. Address orders to The Evening Times Pattern Department, 243 West 17th Street. New York City- is an old Norman-French word for labor and difficulty. But with the advent of better roads and the coming of stage coaches an ageless provincialism was disturbed.

Ere long the railroad banished all that had gone beforojtheni. A journey formerly demanding four days could Ve made in as many hours, and traveling became a matter of ease and enjoyment. The use of steam sea and land reduced lUtarc-as heretofore deemed Foreign, cointne and wide oceans became ilie pleasure resorts millions curious to see all mankind's activities and earth's wonders. Time- and apace have been reduceci still further by the marine cable, the wireless, the radio, the automobile and the air-plane, all of which have added to the benefit and the problems ot the nation. While love of mother earth Is Implanted in the souls of her children tliey will always be drawn to the grandeurs of nature and repello-d by the self-wrought miseries ot the race.

Those who a re weighted down with the ex-ils ot our civilization cannot think of India or China withovit some qualms. The Western peoples are also too dange rously near destruction for comfort, Now that all men are neighbors the question is, Wht next? God help lis to answer it according to His will! Evan.sville, Ind. Who or what Is chiefly resnoni ble for all Ihe conspiracy of fail- ures and blighted prospects which combine to Injure our common humani ty! There is no chief villain. As James Douglas reminds us, we are a 11 in the grip of foul cir-c*mstanoes and are bein? drags: rd Into a perdition we detes because of our com Questions S. PARKES CADMAN inated by fears which create his reticence unconsciously.

If the fears are not too deeply embedded, skillful aid from you ought to rid him of them. Get him to practice a vigorous health program with absorbing recreations and brisk exercises as aids to self-forgetful-ness. Mental analysis of the kind which you mention should be a last resort. Boys of his type dislike inquisition, whereas they will respond to approaches from their own level when these are friendly and generous. Buffalo, N.

Y. What is the principal cause of the world's unrest today? It is traceable at least in part to the marvelous development in recent years of transportation and the transmission of news. Nobody today lives an isolated life. Everybody i.s aware of the successes and failures of world society. An uprising among the tribes of Central Africa is cabled around the earth as soon r-s the rebellion has well begun.

It Is increasingly difficult for Important transactions to be done In a corner since sooner or later they are heralded from the housetops. The ceaseless stream of news concerning good and evil is one of the elements viiieh dlstrubs our complacency. Contrast this state of things with conditions in the eighteenth century. Theif iravel really meant "travail," which Lexington, Ky. Could you give me any help in understanding one of my boys "whose mind seems to have a sort of furtive characteristic.

He is not bad but si)'. I did a year of psychology at college, for educational purposes, and 1 never studied anything that would help with a problem of this kind. As a preliminary step do not take this lad's furtivenes.s too seriously. It may be only an awkward form of his modesty, and if so he deserves approbation rather than censure. Vhy should every one of us be stripped to our inmost selves to gratify the curiosity of the herd? Moreover, in some instances, physical handicaps or school conditions may cause a youngster to stay in his shell as a defensive mechanism.

Imagined shortcomings often drive an adolescent to self seclusion. But whatever the source of his difficulty is, you have to win his confidence. Try to get under his skin and discover his motives. If he practices superficial deception, pretending one thing when he means another, reason kindly with the boy on the danger of this habit and convince him that all his relationships should be as clear as noonday. Dr.

Furfey's "The Gang Ase" contains a chapter on "The Unseen Side of Mental Life" which should aid your solution of the problem presented, also his chapter on "Mental Mechanisms." The boy may be dom L2042 Hll 1 1.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.